Tuesday 4 February 2020

How To Get Stronger: What The Experts Say

How To Get Stronger: What The Experts Say

The Benefits Of Strength Training

“In fitness terms, strength refers to muscle strength and usually your ability to lift weight. Basically, the stronger you are the more you can lift,” says Keith McNiven, founder of London-based personal training company Right Path Fitness.
“People do strength training for lots of reasons; for aesthetics so that they look good and feel confident, or perhaps because they have a physical job that requires them to lift, carry and even defend and protect themselves,” says McNiven. “Strength training with weights not only develops muscle but strengthens tendons and connective tissues, and prevents age-related bone loss.”
Strong man pulling a rope
“Strength training is important, period,” adds Luke Worthington, movement and performance coach at London’s Third Space. “It’s the ‘cup’ that every other aspect of physical fitness sits within.”
Worthington says that strength underpins speed, endurance, mobility and flexibility. If you want to move well, you need muscles that are up to the job. Even cardio addicts can benefit, he says. “Endurance training requires strength; a 10k run is essentially 1000s of repetitions of hopping from one foot to the other. This requires an absorption of force (strength) and propulsion through the air (strength).”
It pays, then, to stay strong.

The Science Of Strength

“Strength training focuses more on the weight you can lift doing certain exercises rather than building up specific muscles,” says McNiven. Take a minute to read that again, because that part is key.
“As you train, muscle fibres are torn and as your body repairs these damaged fibres they fuse to create muscle strands,” he continues. “Eventually, as you get more muscle strands and then get bigger in size, hypertrophy occurs (aka muscle gain).” This means they’re capable of exerting greater force, which in turn means you don’t risk a hernia lifting your suitcase onto the conveyor belt at check-in.
Breaking down your muscles is arguably the easy bit. You train hard and lift big and the fibres recover stronger. “However, this requires consuming adequate protein,” adds Worthington. “Aim for 2g per kilo of bodyweight if you’re undertaking a regular and progressive strength programme.”

What’s A Typical Strength Workout?

Now you understand why you should build strength, let’s put it into practise. There is, of course, no single method for building strength, but there are certain moves you should incorporate into your training in order to provide a solid basis for most kinds of strength training.
“For overall strength, look at training all areas of the body,” says McNiven. “Keep reps low and rest periods high between different exercises so you can start again with the new exercise without being depleted from the last.” The first exercises to try are the traditional strength training moves like the following:

The Rules Of Building Strength

“Weight training isn’t just going to the gym, going through the motions and repeating 10-12 reps of any workout,” says James Castle-Mason, PT at London’s Roar Fitness.
Strong man weightlifting
Castle-Mason goes on to explain that while strength is built by slowly increasing load over a period of time, the way most people measure their strength is based on the heaviest load they can move for any single exercise, usually for a small number of reps. You’ve heard of your ‘one-rep max’, right? With that in mind, Castle-Mason has five rules to help you lift stronger.

Rule 1: Lift In The Lower Rep Ranges

“To lift the heaviest weight possible, we need to spend most of our time in a lower rep range. Typical strength programmes tend to gear toward anything between 3-6 reps. In these ranges, we work our type 2B muscle fibres which respond best to heavy explosive work from heavy loads for short set durations.” In other words, lift more for fewer reps.

Rule 2: Lift With Precision

“To gain strength consistently without stalling or hitting a plateau, you need to execute all lifts with excellent technical skill. For example, many people deadlift poorly because they try to squat the weight up from the floor rather than take the load in the hamstrings and glutes by hinging at the hips. The easiest way to tell this is happening is feeling stress on the lower back.
“Lifting with skill and sound technical execution comes before anything else, otherwise you are building strength via a method that’s eventually going to injure you or [cause you to] quickly stall.”

Rule 3: Don’t Knock The Accessory Work

“Many of the movements such as squat, deadlift and bench press – collectively known as ‘the big three’ – require the use of multiple muscle groups to execute. They’re large, compound movements. Many strength trainees often make the mistake of training just the lift but not doing extra work around it.
“For example, the triceps play a role in the execution of the bench press; if it is the first muscle to fail in the lift, it might be lagging behind other body parts. To resolve this, some supporting isolated tricep work may be beneficial.”

Rule 4: Use Strength Standards

“What’s more impressive, a 100kg guy doing a 200kg deadlift or a 70kg guy lifting the same weight? The answer is the 70kg guy, of course. The load might be the same, but it is more difficult for a smaller person to move a greater load than a large person (assuming both are trained to a similar standard).
“Strength standards use body weight as a multiplier. A 200kg deadlift at 100kg bodyweight is a 2x bodyweight deadlift, but for the 70kg male, it’s just under 3x; a far more impressive feat of relative strength.” Let the numbers guide your targets.

Rule 5: Eat & Sleep A Lot

“You can have the best programme in the world and have the best coach, but it counts for very little if you aren’t taking care of your rest, sleep, and diet. Heavy strength training is very taxing on the central nervous system. This requires ample recovery time; I’d even suggest not training back to back days, even if you are training different body parts. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep every night and go to bed on time to help further facilitate recovery.
“Likewise, if you’re going to get strong, you need to eat plenty of protein and you need plenty of calories. If you’re new to the gym, your strength will go up for a while regardless and your body will adapt, but as you advance your training skills and progress from a beginner to a more experienced lifter, you’re going to need to eat to grow.”
Man eating a healthy chicken lunch
McNiven has more to add on feeding your strength. “Get three healthy meals a day with a good mix of carbs, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Make sure you have plenty of complex carbs like wholemeal wraps, brown rice, oats and quinoa so you get that consistent release of energy rather than it all being released in one go.
“Regular healthy snacks are also advisable if you’re following a strength training programme, particularly before you train so that you avoid your body grabbing your carb reserves to power you through the workout.”

Does Cardio Limit Your Gains?

The thinking goes that excessive running, cycling or time of the cross-trainer will sap your muscles of the stuff they need to grow, and even break down the tissue in order to power your pavement pounding. But it isn’t necessarily so.
“Cardio diminishing strength gains is a bit of a misnomer,” says Worthington. “Getting stronger will require a calorie surplus (consuming more than we expend), and the truth is that this is simply harder to achieve if you’re doing regular cardio sessions. No one would argue that a professional rugby forward isn’t immensely strong just because he does vast amounts of cardio.”
McNiven says that it would be worse to overtrain and skip rest days than add a little cardio to your routine. “Your goal is to have more muscle being built (which happens when you rest) than muscle being damaged (which happens when you train), so stick to 3-4 training sessions at a maximum. It doesn’t matter if you want to jog to the gym.”

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